Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Spring Came Early Today!

Spring burst out of my mailbox today in the form of Llewellyn's new Sabbat Essentials book, Ostara by Kerri Conner.  It's -1 degree Celsius here at my little country home of Aelfheim, and the trash can was at the end of the long, long, driveway. I didn't wanna go get it.  But I bundled up and while I was down there at the end of the drive I checked the mail. There was a white plastic envelope with what felt like two little books inside, the name on the return address was Llewellyn Worldwide! Warm happiness and excitement filled my heart and my cold little hands as I danced back up to drop off the can and run in the house...I was pretty sure I knew what was inside, and I was right! Here it is right on my old wooden art table.  My illustrator copies of Llewellyn's Sabbat Essentials Ostara book written by Kerri Conner, interior illustrations by little ole me. Yeeeee!!!!
This gorgeous cover art by Kevin R. Brown inspired me so much while doing the illustrations.  This is just the pretties little book, I love the look and the feel of it, this is the kind of book that you just want on your shelf, or on your coffee table during the season of Ostara.  I created illustrations for this entire series, a big job, but what an honor!

Seeing my decorative border for the introduction next to this decorative page of  cursive writing with inspiring Ostara key words made my heart just sing. The design of this book is brilliant!
I re-invented the wheel, Wheel of the Year, that is.  I love that they have the wheel for both the northern and southern hemisphere, wrapping my head around it made my brain hurt, but they've got it all worked out, so you don't have to. 
Each book will have a chapter for Old Ways and New Ways.  The illustrated chapter openers will follow the same old world witch's enchanted gate and a modern  witch's welcoming home with  magical curb appeal as they change through the seasons. 
One of my favorite Ostara crafts that Kerri came up with for this charming book was the book terrarium, I loved illustrating this one and honestly, can't wait to try making one of my own. 
A few of the chapter openers are the same for all the books while many others change with each seasonal sabbat.  I was really happy with how the Spells and Divination chapter opener turned out.
When will I stop being proud and excited to see my art in print...never, ever, ever!  

This book is just loaded with inspiration for the sabbat of Ostara; spells, rituals, lore, recipes, crafts, correspondences, you name it, it's in there.  I really appreciated getting this little book on my hands on such a cold winter's day, it reminded me not to despair, even though it's bitter cold outside, the sun's rule over the land is growing daily, and spring shall eventually overcome winter's icy hold over the land.  Even though I'm thinking about the upcoming festival of Imbolc in February, this gives me a couple months to get ready for Ostara!  Eight of these charming matching books, I need to pick out just the right bookshelf to display them now...hmmmmm...

Oh, I nearly forgot! If you want to get in on the fun of these lovely books, they're actually available now! Find it at Llewellyn Worldwide, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or check at your local bookstore/metaphysical shop.

Blessed Be!
Mickie Mueller

1 comment:

  1. Just discovered your blog, and I love the artwork!
    Blessed Be!


I love to read your feedback, please leave a note on my old wooden art table!