Thursday, August 26, 2010

Working on the Celtic Heather Fairy

Good Day Everyone!

I've been working on the fourth installment of my Celtic Tree Fairys series, the Heather Fairy. While heather is in fact, a shrub, according to Celtic Tradition, it's part of the tree ogham.

I wanted to share some of the steps of this fairy as she unfolds, some of my pieces take longer than others depending on many factors, such as what's going on in my life at the time, my inspiration, and the amount of detail that is involved. Let me just say for those who don't know, and something that I knew, but really had to experience first hand, Egads! Heather is a bunch of tiny flowers and tiny leaves!!! Whew!

That being said, I'm very happy with how this one is developing. I have of course scaled the heather plant up in order to scale the fairy down, My Celtic Tree Fairys are all little fairies that live in the trees they represent.

Heather as you might guess in this instance is for love, and she really looks like she's thinking of that really special fairy guy, you know the one, gives her compliments, respects her, always leaves the seat down...ahh, love! Of course this is easy for me to convey, cause I have a guy like that!

Without further ado, the Heather Fairy, thus far...

Bright Blessings!


This was how it looked a few days ago...

Here is how it looks on my art table right now!


  1. Nice. You've done a great job on that wavy hair.
    Thanks for visiting my blog and your nice comment


I love to read your feedback, please leave a note on my old wooden art table!