It's been a lovely looong weekend! Dan and I rang in the new year with a lovely dinner for two at home and a bottle of mead that he and my son-in-law P.J. handcrafted. I was off work from Friday through Monday, so it was a bit like a little mini-vacation!
I did spend some time at the old wooden art table, and also on the couch working on black and white pencil illustrations for the companion book for my upcoming Voice of the Trees ogham deck. I wanted very much to race the clock to get these illustrations finished, but I've recently found it more difficult to use these old 45 year old eyes for long periods of time. Headaches and blurry vision. I've decided that a trip to the eye doctor is in order and won't be suprised if I'm perscribed glasses at this point. I worked for only about 20 minutes at a time this weekend, wearing weak drugstore reading glasses to help, taking breaks in between to allow my eyes to rest. I'm really happy with my results. I'll be finishing up a second page of illustrations this week and sending them off the Llewellyn to be added to the book, but in the mean time, I thought it would be nice to share a sneek peek with you.

Of course, after I finish these up, I have more black and whites to do, pen and ink this time not pencil as these are, for the 2012 Llewellyn Magical Almanac. I look forward to illustrating articles for the Almanac every year for quite a few years now. With these two deadlines, I'll probably miss getting something done for this months installment of the Enchanted Visions Project, and I had a great idea too! But that's ok, I'll finished up these illustrations and maybe get to create something for one of the past themes and then pick up the new one next month once I get my eyeball issues ironed out.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy seeing these, you'll get to see how my wonderful editor choses to use them in the book this coming September! I can't wait!
wow, momma! They look awesome! I can't wait to see them in person. Glad you guys liked the mead!!