Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My First Celtic Tree Calender Class at Pathways!

We had the first Celtic Tree Calender class at Pathways in St. Louis last night!  I had such a great time with everyone, we all shared stories of our favorite childhood trees, discussed tree magic, lore and mysticism, and learned about the legends and lore of the birch tree and had a very moving birch ritual. It was so wonderful to share this class with such a great group of people, I'm so looking forward to the next one, I'm loving sharing with other tree people and also getting the know them all better!  Jan 31, we go on to the Rowan month at Pathways, really looking forward to it, I love Rowans energy!
Here we are at Pathways after the first class, what fun!

In other tree-related news, apparently my 2  1/2 year old granddaughter Olivia is a chip of the old block as far as trees are concerned.  When my daughter took her holiday tree down, Olivia threw a total fit and cried because she wanted the tree to stay. "Nooooo...Treeeeeee!"  They have since told her that the tree has gone outside to be with the other trees, so now she's happy, and when they drive places she gets excited and points when she sees a pine tree, she must think the tree is now traveling and having adventures out in the world! 

Well, I have art to do today so I'm off to it.  The weather here is really nice, it feels like March out there, so I also plan to carve out an hour or so today to take my Yule tree and decorations down and run them all out to the shed. I better do it before little Olivia gets here this weekend so she doesn't freak out!



  1. Your appearance/workshop at Pathways sounded like an inspiring event! Obviously, your enthusiasm for trees was contagious. Also, what a cute story about the tree that ventured out into the big world to be with other trees. Those are the tales that one carries for life. I doubt Olivia will ever look at trees the same.
    Wishing you a prosperous 2012, Mickie!

  2. You too Lisa! Always great to hear from you!

  3. Oh Mickie, I wish I had a magic carpet. That is one workshop I should have loved to be a part of, it sounds wonderful. x


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