I'm dropping in from the storm ridden Midwest to catch up and share some great news! You can now pre-order your copy of Voice of the Trees: A Celtic Divination Oracle! I'm simultaneously ducking storm clouds and on cloud nine! I received some sample pages from my editor Becky Zinns last week who has been taking my pages and art and crafting them into a really beautiful companion book that will be paired with the deck. She is doing such a great job, when I saw the pages she's done so far, I got all teary eyed, it looks like a real book! I included many black and white pencil pieces for her to sprinkle around, a fully illustrated ogham chart that she suggested, and even drew illustrations to show instruction for making your own sturdy bag to hold your deck. I'm also pleased to get to share with you the beautiful cover design created by Llewellyns Adrienne W. Zimiga. Pre-ordering from Amazon gets you a discount, so that's a nice bonus, and you'll be one of the first to get one! The last several weeks have been so very busy here I haven't even had a minute to breathe, much less to blog, so here's the quick catch up. For the past several weeks I was running up to my son's middle school to help with the set design for his schools production of "Beauty and the Beast Jr." My son Tristan is my new favorite actor
It was a blast, I got to work with his teacher who is a really cool lady, a few parents who I really enjoyed, and the stage crew kids, who were simply amazing! We painted village scenes, built trees, and made Maurices crazy machine, it was all out of cardboard, and I had some motors from my day job, so it was fully functional, and a bit steampunk. The axe chops, and the gear spins!

Last, but certainly non least, only days after the final performance, I got a call from my daughter Brittany, to let me know they were heading to the hospital to have her little son, my new little grandson, baby Rhys!

I picked up my little granddaughter Olivia and brought her home to her Grandpa Dan, and raced back up to the hospital to cheer her on. She did great, and he is such a little cutie pie!
He looks just like his daddy The Suburban Caveman, but thankfully without the facial hair yet. They are such a perfect little family, and little Olivia just loves her new baby brother!

So it's been a pretty exciting week full of great things. I'm so happy to have a minute to breathe so I could pop in and catch up on all the excitement. Bright Blessings Everyone!
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