Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rainy Day and Secret Messages in the Magical Garden

My sweet grand kids are visiting on this rainy Wednesday, and we looked out the window and noticed a walking stick sitting there on the screen!  So I grabbed my camera to go take a picture.  I didn't want to mess up my camera, so I stuck it in a plastic bag to keep the rain off of it. 
Miss Olivia loved the walking stick!

I looked up the message that the walking stick has as a spirit animal since he came to sit on my window today while I'm working from home.   One of the walking sticks messages is that meditation and prayer will bring much greater results and benefits now. I found that interesting since I have been doing the thirty days of meditating on the crystal grids for world peace, which I'm  happy to report is going well, and filling me with peace as well.  Apparently another lesson of the Walking stick is that there are things going on behind the scenes that I am unaware of, and that I need to sit still waiting and watching and the the proper course of action will make itself known.  Also the need to camouflage and prepare in a quiet and calm manner for what we seek to accomplish and we will find ultimate success.  Even when it seems like nothing is happening, it really is.  Interesting, I will try to heed the lessons of the walking stick, he's still there on my window as I write this.
Raindrops clinging to newly forming acorns on my oak tree.
Once I was outside taking pictures of my friend the walking stick in the rain, I saw lots of other beautiful things on this rainy day I thought I would share with you.

All the flowers are enjoying the rain, the garden is so happy!

Morning glory, I'm trying to clear them out, they've taken over my little alcove, it was looking like Gray Gardens for awhile there!  Here's one I missed, they are so very pretty, I just wish they weren't so aggressive. 

Something as simple as blades of grass can become a source of inspiration on a rainy day.

Have a beautiful day!


  1. What a wonderful story about the walking stick. I will have to remember it to tell my Grandkids.

  2. aww, I was reading my blogs and I said "look, It's Lilo!"

  3. It was fun having little Lilo and you kids here Britt! Thanks everyone, I was pleased they turned out as well as they did with my camera in a plastic bag! It's still coming down out there, very relaxing.

  4. Beautiful shots!

    As a child, I kept a small terrarium with walking sticks in my bedroom. They were always fascinating to watch, and provide excellent companionship. Next time they show up, play some music with a beat to it, enough that they feel the vibrations, and watch them dance. I'm sure your grand kids would love it :)

  5. No way! I hope they come back now, I would love to dance with a walking stick! I never thought of keeping them in a terrarium, I bet that was cool!


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